Thursday 15 May 2014

Why am I here? What do I want to learn?

5 Reasons I chose Leeds College of Art:
Great reputation
Many people from my previous course came here, said it was brilliant
Local- can stay close to family
Graphics Course was represented very well during visits
Staff were friendly and the small class size was a bonus

5 Things I want to learn
Type Design
Improve hand-rendering skills - type and drawing
Colour Theory
How to get my ideas onto paper effectively

5 Strengths
Speaking and Presenting skills
Photoshop Skills
Idea Generation
Use of type
Fast learner

5 things I want to improve
Time Management
indesign and illustrator skills
Digital Illustation
A more effective work process

5 Ways to evaluate progress
Speaking to tutors regularly
group crits with other students
evaluate each module with a written evaluation
keep a journal and compare to past work
make a manifesto at the start of a brief and see if i hit the criteria at the end

5 things that inspire me
other designers
nature and science
the modern world/technology
conversations with friends
my dreams

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