Neil deGrasse Tyson is an astrophysicist and the director of the Hayden Planetarium (NYC). He is an incredible educator, capable of making the most difficult subjects understandable to the layman. He is also an incredibly inspirational figure, giving speeches and lectures on science, education and NASA with great passion. He is a strong believer that space exploration and NASA are what inspires dreams, and explains why by talking about the cultural and technological changes made during the 60's and 70's thanks to the space race ignited by the cold war. He is also a regular appearer on talk shows such as 'Real Time with Bill Maher', where he gives his views on different political and scientific developments. His views are extremely refreshing as they explore different perspectives on subjects you wouldn't get from politicians or the public.
He has given many speeches both to the public and congress, all of which show his passion for science, developing technology and the human race in general. There are very few people who have made science accessible to the public in a way that is both interesting and engaging whilst not being too daunting. The only others that have achieved this are people like Carl Sagan, Richard Feynman and Brian Cox.
A sequel to Sagan's 'Cosmos', an Emmy award winning TV series which was notable for it's at the time groundbreaking effects, is in creation, with Tyson being the host.
How could I get in touch?
Tyson uses Twitter daily so I could message him using that. I could also email the Hayden Planetarium or try find an E-mail address which he uses for personal/fan mail.
5 Questions I would ask:
How did you stay motivated through tough times?
What do you balance your social/family life and work?
What do you do when you're tasked with solving a problem which you cannot see a solution to?
Do you have any regrets?
What is your advice for someone who doesn't know what they want out of life?